
Perioscopy is a non-invasive therapy for the prevention and treatment of periodontal diseases. The procedure is performed with the aid of the Perioscope, an incredibly small instrument that incorporates a fiber-optic camera. This enables the hygienist to perform a thorough cleaning while seeing a greatly magnified view of the space between your teeth and gums.

The primary benefit of perioscopy is that it is non-invasive, unlike traditional surgery. It can remove plaque and other deposits on the roots that can cause infection and bone loss if left untreated. This procedure is often combined with systemic antibiotics to reduce inflammation prior to your deep cleaning so that the camera can clearly see the deposits on the root surface below the gums.

Depending on the severity of disease, perioscopy might not be a sufficient solution. The team at East Bay Periodontics and Implant Dentistry can let you know what your best options are after a thorough examination.

Is LANAP Laser Periodontal Therapy Right for Me?

Laser periodontal therapy has several key advantages over traditional surgery. Many types of periodontal surgery for gum disease require cutting and sutures, while laser therapy does not. As a result there is reduced recovery and healing times for this type of procedure.

During the Procedure

The hygienist will use the perioscope to visually identify plaque and other deposits below the gum. Then an ultrasonic instrument will be used to dislodge and remove these deposits. The perioscope also helps in the identification of cracks or cavities that could require further treatment.


As a non-invasive treatment, perioscopy carries few to no side effects. You’ll be able to resume eating and brushing normally immediately following the procedure, although you might have an increased sensitivity to cold foods for several days.

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Location & Hours

East Bay Periodontics
& Implant Dentistry

6333 Telegraph Ave. Suite 101
Oakland, CA 94609
Call (510) 547-1300